Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for an answer to a general question you think may have already been asked? Our FAQs section may hold the answer. Please scroll our expanding list of frequently asked questions to see if your question has been asked before--if it hasn't, it may eventually end up on this list! If you're looking for more specific answers to technical questions, check out our support section.

How can I send my files to you?
We prefer to receive your press-ready PDF files or ZIP/SIT archive files of your native documents through our file upload service, DCL|WebCourier. It is a straightforward and convenient way of getting your production files to us. (For Mac users, you can just rename Stuffit .sitx files to .sit to upload.)

When can I expect my project to be finished?
Our standard turn time is 5-7 business days-depending on the complexity of your project. Regardless of the estimated production time, we strive to turn proofs of your project within 4 hours of their entry into our workflow.

Do you store my project files?
Yes. Our workflow includes an archiving system that allows us to save your original files and our production files for retrieval at a later date. If requested, we can even provide these files to you on CD-ROM or suitable storage medium.

Derby City Litho provides training in several desktop publishing and industry-related applications. Call us today to find out more about what we have to offer for your company's training needs. 502-560-1440